Rutherford County, NC, Western North Carolina, News,arrests, RC Catalyst, Judicial District 29A

Making Laps with Bruce Wayne

Happy New Year to all my readers around this small town friendly(sometimes) and surrounding areas of the dirt world.

I want to start out by saying this past year has been a roller coaster for all involved.

We had a great year down at the greatest  show on dirt Harris Speedway, even tho my level 5 racing came to an early end due to medical reasons not wanted. I still had fun and learned who was who and gained even more family to my race circle. For my readers and fans of level 5, I want you all to know that I’m down at the moment, but I will be back to driving when the first green flag drops.

I want to mention a few things in this column that need your help:

  • prayers for the families of one of the best in my class at Harris and Travelers  Rest speedway, the #28  car of Randy Hill who lost his life last night in a car crash…I know right now he is up in heaven making laps with the best of the best and hoping  to see us all again someday. I’m just now reading this about his passing and even though we only spoke a few times at the track (because he was always lapping me) yes, he was that good.
  • What few times I spoke with him he always had a kind word to say and always telling me what I could do to improve….so to his family I say may God bring you comfort and strength in this terrible time.

Also, I’d like to touch on the importance of family and the meaning of what that should mean to all of us in this life we live…we have lost  a lot of lives here in Rutherford  County as I have lost a few friends this past year. It took this year for me to realize that we are not promised tomorrow and we should look at each day as our last…I know this is a racing column and I tend to get on other subjects ,but I just have to stress some things to my readers in hopes it will catch the eye of just one and it may would turn them in the right direction.

As all of my readers know I’ve got a troubled past and I’m not ashamed of my past, just the decisions I made that caused the troubled past…we all make mistakes in life and we always will, but we should not ever give up and always be grateful for the air we breathe.

I am guilty myself of not taking responsibility for my actions in life, but as I’ve gotten older I now see where I was once blind…my point today is for all my readers to take a step outside of the box and see where the problem is at and we turn this county back in the right direction…we can blame the sheriff until we are blue in the face, but at same time he is just one man.

We can blame the court system, but at end of the day we live in a time where it’s just bad and it’s not just the court system’s fault…

we need to take accountability  in addition to holding elected officials accountable in doing their jobs….until we as citizens  start to do this we will always be stuck in the same spot…so even though  I’m just as guilty of such things  I now want to ask my readers to band together and figure this mess out we are suffering thru in the county….

If you have lost a loved one due to these problems I’m speaking about then you know where I’m coming from…we have got to do better or we will get the same result.’s simple …I’ll close this column out now with a heavy heart on everything going on around me and pray I can reach just one….

and a message to the heroin dealers that are making our county so bad. I say to you, shame on you, and may God have mercy on your soul…leave our county alone and move on. You’re not welcome here…

I’ll close out saying happy new year to my fans and from level  5  racing  we hope to see you at the track soon….