Local Attorney Files Lawsuit Against District Attorney, Judges and Sheriff’s Department

RUTHERFORDTON – Attorney Andrew LaBreche filed a civil complaint in Rutherford County Superior Court on Friday Sept. 3, 2021 against :

  • DAVID CHAMBERS, in his individual and official capacity,
  • TOMMY DAVIS, in his individual and official capacity,
  • ROBERT MARTELLE, in his individual and official capacity,
  • ELLEN SHELLEY, in her individual and official capacity,
  • MICHELLE MCENTIRE, in her individual and official capacity,
  • TED BELL, in his individual and official capacity,
  • CHRIS FRANCIS, in his individual and official capacity,
  • CIIADD MURRAY, in his individual and official capacity,
  • JAMIE MODE, in his individual and official capacity,
  • WILIER CIIAVEZ-PEREZ, in his individual and official capacity,
  • TYLER GREENE, in his individual and official capacity, and
  • JOHN DOES [1-15], in their individual and official capacities

in the matter of unstated reasons for recusals based on the attainment and distribution of  privileged attorney-client information, the Judicial Council not meeting statutory requirements for public meetings, and unethical interrogations of inmates and other police actions to attain information on Plaintiff and his clients and violations of first and fourteenth amendments of  SECTION 14 0F THE NORTH CAROLINA DECLARATION 0F RIGHTS. The 122-page complaint details and provides evidence to each of the plaintiff’s claims which will be examined in a series of articles. Many of these issues came to light when:

“On May 21, 2021, Defendant Chambers filed a complaint against Plaintiff, Tina VanBuskirk, Gayle Clayton, and RC Catalyst with claims of defamation, slander, and libel, claiming that an article written and published RC Catalyst contained the following allegedly false statements:

When VanBuskirk and Ruck arrived in Rutherford County, they brought with them an attorney named David Chambers who continues to practice in this judicial district today. VanBuskirk
utilized Attorney Chambers to assist with any legal matters that would otherwise create problems for the trafficking enterprise. VanBuskirk instructed Attorney Chambers along with one of
VanBuskirk’ s most trusted allies -Cameron Flack -to address the matter by unlawful, threatening, and/or physical means. Attorney Chambers and Flack utilized two other individuals to accomplish this objective and VanBuskirk’ s 40-acre property was immediately returned. VanBuskirk rewarded Attorney Chambers actions by  transferring the property to Attorney Chambers as payment.

– David Chambers v. Tina VanBuskirk, et. al., 21 CVS 614 (Sup. Ct. 2021). “

“Defendant Chambers allegations against Plaintiff appear to have been based on Defendant Chambers beliefs and/or assumptions as to Plaintiff s legal representation of Gayle Clayton and RC Catalyst.

It should be noted that at the time of the publication of this current article, all claims by David Chambers against Gayle Clayton, RC Catalyst, Tina VanBuskirk and Andrew LaBreche have been dismissed.

In his complaint, Defendant Chambers made a disturbing admission that a “conversation between Defendant LaBreche and Defendant VanBuskirk was recorded by a third party. The recording which was obtained by law enforcement is in the Plaintiff s possession and has also been disseminated or provided to several judicial officials including, one or more local district court judges and the local resident superior court judge.” J]d. at p.1.”

On July 27, 2021, Defendant Chambers filed an amended complaint where he, once again, stated that he is in possession of attorney-client privileged and/or protected information, including a recording obtained by law enforcement. The recording, as well as other attorney-client privileged and/or protected electronic communications that were seized and distributed by Defendants, also included information regarding Plaintiff’s (and other individuals’) role in investigations regarding two specific series of unlawful events:

(1) the existence and functioning of the Judicial Council -comprised of, among others, Defendants Davis, Martelle, Shelley, McEntire, and Bell – that involved unlawful and coordinated actions by multiple local officials; and

(2) a pervasive and coordinated pattern of criminal conduct and/or abuse of authority involving law enforcement officers -including, among others, Police Defendants.”

Although Defendants expressly denied obtaining and/or reviewing the attorney-client and/or protected information at issue until Defendant Chambers’ sudden admission, Defendants Davis, Martelle, Shelley, and McEntire immediately retaliated against Plaintiff by recusing from all of his current and future cases, resulting in what appears to be the only case in United States’ history (including
both State and federal courts) where an entire bench of elected judges have deliberately conspired to deny a licensed attorney access to the courts for the purpose of “destroying [Plaintiff s] business.”

24. Additionally, upon discovering Plaintiff’s involvement in the investigations referenced above (as well as the nature and detail of the information assembled by Plaintiff and others), Defendant Bell and/or Police Defendants proceeded to utilize unlawful legal proceedings to target Plaintiff s clients, wrongfully obtain attorney-client and/or protected information from Plaintiff and his clients, and threaten Plaintiff ‘s clients.

Attorney Labreche  is seeking statutory monetary limits, asking that the Judicial Council meetings follow open meeting laws, and that a public apology be made in the matter of recusals.